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Significant contributions to healthier air

One of the contributions to healthier air worth noting is the reformulation of fuels resulting in cleaner blends of gasoline and diesel. Again, government regulatory action provided the initial impetus for change, and the scientists and oil companies responded with fuel blends that pollute less. “Clean” diesel and “top-tier” gasoline have made, and will continue to make, significant contributions to healthier air.
The role of California consumers cannot be overlooked. By participating in the Smog Check Program and keeping their vehicles in proper maintenance, they have made an impact. California consumers have also embraced hybrid and electric vehicles at a higher rate than the rest of the country, signaling that Californians are serious about the environment and are willing to invest in cleaner alternatives.
Last, but certainly not least, the automotive repair industry is on the front line in the war on smog. Each time a vehicle fails a mandated Smog Check, skilled technicians must diagnose and make repairs to ensure the vehicle is in compliance. Technicians must stay current on all makes and models as well as all Smog Check Program requirements and equipment. The experience and professionalism of California’s licensed Smog Check professionals has been, and will continue to be, vitally important to reduce tailpipe emissions and repair polluting vehicles.