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Car Scrappage – Voluntary Accelerated Vehicle Retirement

California’s updated voluntary vehicle retirement program is now available. The program is administered by the Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) and provides $1,000 per vehicle and $1,500 for low-income consumers for unwanted vehicles that have FAILED their last Smog Check Test and that meet certain eligibility guidelines. For more information, visit the Consumer Assistance Program website, or call BAR at (866) 272-9642.


Voluntary accelerated vehicle retirement or “car scrap” programs provide monetary incentives to vehicle owners to retire older, more polluting vehicles.  The purpose of these programs is to reduce fleet emissions by accelerating the turnover of the existing fleet and subsequent replacement with newer, cleaner vehicles.  Reducing emissions from the existing fleet is a component of California’s State Implementation Plan, which outlines the State’s strategy for meeting health-based ambient air quality standards.   Both State and local vehicle retirement programs are available.

The State’s recently enhanced Consumer Assistance Program (CAP) was developed by the ARB in consultation with BAR and provides $1,000 per vehicle and $1,500 for low-income consumers for unwanted vehicles that have FAILED their last Smog Check Test.  For information on the development of the new program, visit ARB’s Enhanced Fleet Modernization Program website.  For information on CAP, visit the Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) website or call BAR at (800) 952-5210.

Local voluntary accelerated vehicle retirement (VAVR) programs are also available for vehicles that have PASSED their most recent Smog Check or are not subject to the Smog Check requirement.  Administration of a VAVR program is entirely optional. As such, check ARB’s VAVR website for more information related to district programs and to see if your district offers one.

ARB Contact Information

The ARB does not administer car scappage programs. The ARB is responsible for developing the regulations that provide guidelines to BAR and the local air districts that choose to administer VAVR programs.